Welcome To Wholeheartedly Healthy!
Making & Breaking the Rules
Hello! I’m Beatrice S. Ereziwosa, a certified public relations consultant obsessed with results. I help startups Skyrock to succeed by developing strategic communication, brand pitches, media engagement, and pr campaigns that get you noticed. Heads up: I don’t lose well. so if I’m on your team, we’re going to win.
Get Healthy And Vibrant for Good
Increase your energy
For my private health coaching clients, I created a personalized roadmap to health, using a holistic view of my clients’ lives. Along with the diet and food choices, I also consider such factors as exercise, work, relationship, sleep, stress, environment, medical and family history, and lifestyle when coaching someone on how to create their health journey. Change your health in one day!

“Public Relations and communication management is the master key to UNLOCKING a BOLDER brand. – Beatrice Sargin Ereziwosa.”
“The cultivation of a person depends on the rectification of the mind. – Confucious.”
“What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to
change our lives, we need to stretch our minds.”
change our lives, we need to stretch our minds.”
Beatrice’s New Book Is Now Available
Public Relations & Branding Expert
A Fine Approach Towards Building A Substantial Business Brand