Over the years, we have seen that public relations have affected nearly every sector of the society. Its importance and role in businesses today can’t be overemphasized. While more people have embraced the importance of PR, there are still some questions on public relations that are asked by these people. Some of these questions include:
What is Public relation?
This is one of the most common questions asked in public relations. I asked some of my friends what they think about PR, and each of their opinions vary from the other. While some think it is all about selling with words of mouth, others believe it is about talking about a particular product or brand to influence other people’s opinions. According to the oxford dictionary, PR is the communication by a company or an organization to create a favourable public image. PR is a brand or an organization building a beneficial relationship with its audience. It is all about telling stories that suit your brand’s voice.
READ ALSO: What Public Relations Really Is
What Is The Difference Between Public Relations And Advertising?
Advertising and PR are most times said to be the same, meanwhile, they differ in various ways. My friends and I had once argued that public relations can be referred to as advertising but after thorough research on the topic, we found out that they differ. One of the most common differences between PR and advertising is that PR is earned media, while advertising is paid media.
PR is referred to as earned media because it makes use of press releases, customers, bloggers, and social media fans in carrying out its objectives. That is to say, when you talk about a particular product or brand to a friend or family, you have just carried out the work of a PR person. Another major difference between PR and advertising is that in PR you search for news and try to generate business from that news while in advertising, you pay for ad space and you can control when the ad should be published.
Why Should I Hire A PR Professional?
This is another debated question in the field of public relations. Many organizations and brands feel they don’t need PR persons in their brand since their social media fans and customers can also function as PR persons. Although social media fans and customers sometimes work as PR practitioners, they don’t have what it takes to be a professional. It is the duty of the PR professional to monitor and control conversations about a client or brand and manage its reputation in the marketplace which is something social media followers cannot do. A PR professional can help develop and foster innovative ideas based on existing market trends to ensure the brand is reaching the right audience and the audience is getting the right message.
What Skills Are Required Of A Public Relations Professional/Practitioner?
Another popular question that is asked by business owners and brands is what skill should I look out for when hiring a PR person? One of the most dominant skills to look out for is the receptive skill. The ability of the PR person to listen to public views and turn them into business strategy is what matters most. Other skills to look out for include; interpersonal skills excellent communication skills in writing, speaking, and creative skill.
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